Christmas is Saudi Arabia is not necessarily illegal, but
quite frankly feels like it. They cannot
sell anything related to Christmas in the shops, even as a foreigner, for fear
of being shut down or even perhaps burnt down.
Is it Intolerance, maybe, or just behind?.Give them a few decades. People in Jordan had trees up and wished up a
Merry Christmas. But it seems even in the States a touchy issue to say,’ Merry
Christmas’ because you could be Jewish, Atheist, Agnostic…and it is just
unacceptable, to many Scrooges around.
I was lucky enough to be on the schedule which gave me
Christmas Eve and Day off, but in turn I worked New Year’s Eve and Day. Even so I was never a huge fan of New Year’s
Eve, mainly just another reason for people to party and get exceptionally
Spencer and I have some friends with 5 children whom invited
us, a few single sisters, and a Taiwanese woman with her kids to their house on
Christmas Eve. Celebrating is always
better with children, and it wasn’t quite as hard being away from our families,
and yet that also has something to do with the fact that Spencer is my family
and having him is really all that I need.
I spent the day cooking up a storm, I even prepared our
dishes for the next day so I wouldn’t have to be in the kitchen cooking on
Christmas. I made French bread, Yummy
Potatoes, Vegetable Pot Pie, Cranberry Apple Braid, Corn Squash & Sweet
Potato Chowder, and a Lentil Sheppard’s Pie.
Yes, I was overwhelmed. But since Spencer doesn’t eat meat I wanted him
to have something to eat. We also bought
Ben & Jerry’s, and the Traditional Christmas ***.
(If you think about it for a few minutes you may figure out what *** is)
We headed over to the Wacaser’s mid-day, with a loaded
SUV. It was a nice day playing games,
chatting, piecing, and finally enjoying the big dinner feast. We later acted out the Nativity, with only
one girl it was easy who would be Mary, there was no fighting over that. We had
Shepherd’s and Wise Men dressed in Thobes, and Mary in an Abaya. It was quite a scene.
One thing I was touched by and I like this tradition that
the Wacaser’s shared with us is gift giving.
Brent talked about one of the reasons we give gifts to one another is
because the Wise Men brought gifts to Jesus, and they had a little something
for all of us there. It was very
thoughtful and thought provoking, I just never thought about a good and
spiritual reason that gifts were passed about but that is a good way of
teaching Children. The girls got lotion and chocolate, and the boys got nerf guns, which a nerf fight insued.
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